Lindenmeyr Central’s Alternative Media group provides a range of options for leveraging print marketing to reach new and existing customers with targeted, scalable and measurable programs that elevate brand messaging in a crowded marketplace.
We provide a vertically integrated turnkey solution, including paper, printing, media, distribution, and matchback, as well as a range of formats to supplement existing marketing programs.
Our alt media products include magazine outserts, polybagged with leading magazines and mailed to subscribers; branded package inserts placed into merchandise shipments; and shared mail programs that feature mailings to targeted consumers with offers from multiple brands. Our programs also include campaigns using statement inserts and free standing inserts (FSIs) that are delivered directly to consumer households for maximum ROI.
Alternative Media Formats
Polybagged with leading magazines and mailed to subscribers
Placed into outgoing merchandise shipments
Mailings to targeted consumers with offers from multiple brands
Ads and offers that ride along with mailed statements
Free standing inserts inside of newspapers delivered to consumers’ homes
Inserts that ride along in catalogs that are mailed to customers