Lindenmeyr Central supports organizations and initiatives that further our mission to help our customers engage print consumers in new and creative ways.
We already know that printed materials such as catalogs, magazines and other branded content inspire users to take more time to read, deliver a higher comprehension level and are more satisfying than their on-screen counterparts.
And guess what? Reading printed content actually brings joy and makes people feel happier! Print magazine and catalog consumers are more willing to try something new, pay more for luxury brands and have stronger brand connections than those who browse online.
Lindenmeyr Central believes in the power of print, and helps its clients to optimize that power with the widest array of paper options and printing choices available today.
The Power of Print By the Numbers
72% of people surveyed said
catalogs make them more interested
in that retailer’s products.
84% bought something
they have seen in a catalog.
Readers keep catalogs
on hand for an average of
nearly three weeks.
Half of those who
receive coupons in the
mail use them.
A third of people respond
to free samples and other
offers found in magazines.
73% of people say that enjoy reading
a printed book, magazine or catalog
over the digital version.
66% of readers think
it's important to regularly
unplug from devices.
80% of people prefer
to read text on paper
rather than on a screen.